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Fishing the Chandeleur islands is a place that just speaks for itself. A chain of islands that stretch’s over 40 miles in the Gulf of Mexico from Mississippi to Louisiana. Wading around the island fishing the bayous and flats for trout and redfish is among some of the best in the world.

Trout and red fishing is typically good year round, January through April is good for wading the deeper holes in bayous. April they start moving out onto the flats and deep holes out especially when the water temps start warming up and the grass starts growing. They love to hangout on the grass beds feeding bait fish. April through June is really good and typically get more quantity of bigger fishing since the females have eggs and getting ready to spawn which makes them more aggressive. I love to fish with live croakers on a Carolina rig during that time of year. The fish will stay on the flats, deep holes and grass till September before pushing back into the deep holes in the bayous. Chandeleur is such a special place with beautiful sights and clear water most of the time it’s definitely something worth doing but will require a little work in walking. 

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