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On overnight trips I typically leave out around 9am stopping to catch live bait then shoot out to the deep water floaters and drill ships. We normally stop and troll some rip lines for dolphin, tuna, wahoo and marlin if we cross any while heading to the deep water assets. Once we get out to the floaters I normally will make a lap around the rigs trolling some baits while I try to mark some fish on the sonar. After we locate some tuna with the sonar is when we will start live baiting for some Yellowfin. I normally fish a good bit after dark for tuna then once every gets worn out I stretch out 2 sword baits and do some night sword fishing. After we sword fish in most of the night, we gear back up for the Yellowfin at day break for morning bite. Once it dies down I like to shoot over to the shelf and do some deep dropping for tiles, grouper and other species. I like to give my clients a variety of fish to try an share with friends and family. We normally spend the remainder of the time deep dropping or sword fishing along the shelf before we head back in.

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